Men's Body Mysteries


Erections are mysterious, and that may be an understatement. When we were younger, embarrassing and random situations seemed to call for erections. As we grew older, having an erection came to represent virility and was closely tied to our sense of self. For the majority of men, erections are called for and appear to occur of their own accord when needed. Then there are the times when you desperately want an erection but it either doesn't appear at the party or it departs a little early for some reason. To put it mildly, our relationship with erections is complicated. Rape sex movies

For the majority of men, sexual expression and pleasure are centered around getting an erection. And even though we definitely want erections on the menu, it's important to keep in mind that neither an ejaculation nor an orgasm requires erections; erections are not required to experience sexual pleasure.

Finding this surprise, a lot of men. I've discovered that a man will frequently discover erectile dysfunction on his own by simply masturbating if it happens gradually. However, because they are unable to erect, men who have suddenly developed erectile dysfunction, such as those who have undergone surgery for prostate cancer or who have experienced trauma, frequently experience sexual immobility. Many of my patients have expressed surprise at their ability to have an orgasm and ejaculate while having a flaccid penis.

Does it feel different? Yes, a little. The muscle contractions are altered and somewhat lessened. Others claim to feel the orgasm more fully in their entire groin area with a flaccid penis. Some men feel the orgasm may be a little less intense. However, all males agree that having an orgasm or ejaculation despite having a flaccid penis is preferable to having none at all.

Penetrative sex is obviously not possible, but one can find fulfilling sexual activity with sex education and a sense of exploration. Masturbation practices will undoubtedly evolve. Since it is impossible to simply stroke a flaccid penis, many men have come up with other methods of stimulating it. Lubricant is required. Additionally, instead of the typical sex toy vibrator, we advise men to use body massager vibrators, which are much stronger.

Men are to simply wrap their penis around the vibrating head and hold it there while applying pressure, paying special attention to the frenulum. It might take some getting used to, but there's no reason to stop having fun. Men who are unable to get an erection frequently try to avoid allowing their partner to play with their flaccid penis. There is frequently a hidden sense of shame associated with erection problems. It's common for partners to tell me how much they love having oral sex on a penis that is soft and flaccid because they don't gag. It's fun, and it's just different. Yes, erections continue to be a mystery.

However, let's not forget that erections are not required. Our aim is to enable every man who desires an erection to have one, and I have no doubt that we will succeed in doing so. But that shouldn't stop us from having sexual fun just because we don't have an erect penis.

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