Things you need to know about Endometriosis


Endometriosis: What is it?

In endometriosis, tissue that ought to develop inside the uterus instead develops outside the uterus. There is no known cause of endometriosis. It hurts and makes you uncomfortable, and it can occasionally cause issues with conception. Endometriosis is typically discovered in patients between the ages of 25 and 40, when they are most fertile.

What are the typical signs of endometriosis?

Prior to and during your period, pain

Stomach cramps that hurt and back pain

Unpleasant sex


Heavy phases


How widespread is endometriosis?

The World Health Organization estimates that 190 million women and girls in the world suffer from endometriosis. According to this statistic, endometriosis affects one in ten women. Rape Sex Movies

How is endometriosis identified and treated?

In order to better understand your symptoms, a doctor will start by asking you a series of questions. Endometriosis must be diagnosed through a physical examination, which frequently includes a pelvic ultrasound. Endometriosis can be diagnosed and treated surgically in addition to the evaluation results, which may be sufficient in some cases.

Laparoscopy is typically used for surgical procedures. A camera is used during a laparoscopy to examine your abdomen and pelvis for any endometriosis tissue that can be removed concurrently. Over-the-counter painkillers and hormonal contraceptives (such as the pill) can help ease mild symptoms. Other drugs and surgical procedures are available for symptoms that are more severe. The surgery aims to remove endometriosis tissue from the pelvis, which should help with pain management. This can make it simpler to get pregnant if that's what you want to happen if you're also dealing with infertility.

Can endometriosis be treated with birth control?

A doctor might advise hormonal birth control to help control your period and lessen your pain if your current goal is not to become pregnant. There are numerous ways to use hormonal birth control, including the pill, patch, ring, shot, IUD, etc.

How does endometriosis impact ovarian function?

The most typical locations for endometriosis tissue are close to the fallopian tubes and ovaries. The endometriosis-related inflammation over time causes the fallopian tubes to scar and eventually become blocked. Your ovaries and uterus are connected by the fallopian tubes (the womb). The fallopian tubes must be open for an egg and sperm to meet, for fertilization to take place, and for a pregnancy to develop. Endometriosis is not always associated with infertility problems; some people with endometriosis have milder forms and are still able to get pregnant.

How can endometriosis be avoided?

Endometriosis cannot be prevented, so it's critical to inform people of the signs so they can diagnose it early and develop a successful treatment strategy with their doctor.

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